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A few years ago,  I received totally unexpected and devastating news.  Due to my boss making some poor business decisions,

overnight I went from making a comfortable income to being “unemployed”.  Suddenly,  2 + 2 no longer equaled 4 and my whole world went “Topsy turvey”.  For months, I couldn’t get over the feeling of being betrayed or trust my own judgment.  On those bad days, I did a lot of praying and trying to forgive.  Then on one of those “pity party” days, I felt the “Man Above” sent me a “message” that literally stopped me in my tracks. 


“If you can successfully make "mega bucks" for others, why can’t you do it for yourself?  Do something

 you love, help others in the process and use the talents you’ve been given to make it happen – NOW!!” 


Having been in sales successfully for over 25+ years, my employers’ had definitely benefited financially from my sale's talents. 

Even with my most recent employer,  my 5% sales commissions netted me 6 figures for the last 4 years I worked for him.  Previously in the past I had pursued several "on-the -side entrepreneurial ventures”, but only with the security of a salary plus commissions as my primary source of income.  Problem was, giving your all to your primary job to make President Club used as my annual vacation, left little time for any side ventures so eventually they faded away.  After receiving "The message" this particular day unquestionably “chastising” me ,  I knew this time I’d better listen and heed what I was being directed to do. 


With that in mind, I spent time to analyzed myself, making lists of what I truly enjoyed doing and formulating the plan to bring it all together.  My top list of “loves” came down to 5 things:

  1. Writing:   I’ve always loved writing even in early childhood. In college I had an Advanced Lit Professor that felt I had talent  and wanted to be my sponsor to get my stories published. She definitely had the contacts being associated with several publishing firms but at the time I was married, working full-time, going to college at night and eventually became  pregnant. With that “hairy” schedule, when my benefactor became gravely ill, everything was suddenly put on the “back burner” indefinitely.

  2. Creating, designing or refurbishing items:  Selling wares or treasures purchased at yard sales, thrift stores and specialty shops. This was one of the “ventures” I’d engaged in some years back, selling on eBay, at flea markets, holiday bazaars, etc.

  3. Old movies: Musicals, comedies – especially mysteries:  I’ve always enjoyed scrutinizing plots and endings of old movies,       especially noir (IE: Maltese Falcon, The Third Man, etc.) since captivated by Agatha Christie’s novels at age 12. I normally can     figure out the impending intrigue in the early stages of most movies. Afterwards, I'd even evaluate the storyline and ascertain if the story-line had really been logical or believable.  I'd make a game out of it and challenge myself to “recreated” a different story-line I felt was more feasible, added an unusual twist to the outcome or re-write it totally just to employ and tweak my own writing skills.

  4. Costume & Fashion Designers:   I have always been in awe of movie fashion designers such as Helen Rose, Irene, Adrian,     Jean Louis, Edith Head, Renee – just to name a few. These creative genius’ greatly impacted "The Golden Age" of movies plus the 50's and 60's designs and beyond.  Their talents influenced fashion around the world as well as my own createative ability

  5. Helping others:   Over the years, I have contributed to various wonderful causes including American Legion #171 for homeless   Vets, St. Jude's, Nationwide Children's Hospital --  just to name a few. These “causes” are near and dear to my heart and  I plan to contribute a percentage of all my profits from AaA towards such worthy causes.


                                                            THE VISION BEHIND “ANTICS AND ARCADES”  

As a little girl growing up in the late 1950’s, movie goers got a lot more for the monies they paid in comparison to today’s trip to the

movie theater.  Back then, we were spoiled by seeing multiple cartoons plus a “continuing saga” or “serial” of some sort prior to the main feature starting – and you could stay and see the feature over and over again as many times as you wanted.  In fact, some

parents used the movie theater as their weekend babysitter! 


Serials first started back in 1910 and continued to be popular and produced through the 1950’s.  A lot of the well-known stars and

movies of the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s – even some that are making “come backs” today as a result of comic books -- got their start from

these weekly sagas.  In fact, the serials became so popular, many people would go to the movies every week just to see the serial

regardless what the feature might be!   For example, all of the following serials were produced from 1910 – 1929.  See how many of

them you recognize that have since been made and re-made into full length movies, weekly TV programs, etc:


  •  The Iron Man                   Batman and Robin                 The Gray Ghost

  • The Green Archer             Zorro’s Black Whip                The Red Ace

  • Sherlock Holmes             The Secret Four                       Captain Kidd

  • Pirate of Panama             Crimson Flash                         The Desert Hawk

  • The Phantom                   King of the Kongo                   The Masked Rider 

  • The Son of Tarzan          Adventures of Tarzan               Perils of Pauline

  • Rin Tin Tin              Adventures of Robinson Crusoe      Wild West    


Probably the 2 most well-know “serials” whose popularity sky-rocketed them to fame and their own movies or TV series were Superman (George Reeves) andThe Lone Ranger (Clayton Moore).  Even the family legacy of Francis Ford(Coppola) started

from the shorts he directed!  Other famous names you might recognize that got their start from serials are:


  • Buster Crabbe         John Wayne         Noah Beery, Jr.       Buster Keaton

  • Lon Chaney, Jr         Harry Carey          Béla Lugosi            Jackie Cooper     

  • Boris Karloff            Gene Autry           Ruth Roman          Tom Mix        


      Would you believe that even Leonard Nimoy of Star Trek fame as Spock got his start as a Martian in a serial?


“Zombies of the Stratosphere”

*The serial is remembered today as one of the first screen appearances of a young Leonard Nimoy who plays one of the three Martian invaders, Narab.  In 1958, a feature film version of this serial, retitled Satan's Satellites was made by editing down the serial's footage to feature film length.

* Distributed by Republic Pictures.  Release datesJuly 16, 1952  Running time - 12 chapters (167 minutes (serial)[1]  Satan's Satellites-70 minutes (feature)

             *Serial directed by Fred C. Brannon, screenplay by Ronald Davidson and the special effects by Republic's Lydecker 



So now that I have given you a “history lesson” on serials and how they came to be, what do they have to do with my creation

“Antics and Arcades”?  Using a similar format, each week I plan to have a main “feature” story that will be continued one chapter or

“serial” at a time until finished.  Hopefully, it will be entertaining enough to bring customers back each week for the next chapter as

well as checking out  any new items I have for sell. I will also have special categories called “Snippets”, “Tidbits”, etc. that will contain single stories or unique commentaries that will be a one-time read from start to finish.  In addition, there will be a blog where people can provide comments, even suggestions for stories they might want me to pursue.  This way, I will be able to put all of my “loves” previously outlined into my creation with hopes that it will provide a little something, a little pleasure for everyone who takes the time to view my

 "Antics and Arcades"  website.



Once my company’s criteria was determined, I had to decide on a name that would reflect my “loves” – one of which would hopefully make money for me while entertaining my potential customers to keep them coming back to my website.  I laid out numerous dictionaries, thesauruses and other reference materials on the floor in front of me, skimming each for the words I needed to fulfill my future destiny.  Ironically, two words seemed to float off the pages. Per the Oxford Dictionary:


Antic – Defined as: Odd or amusing behavior; Actions, gestures, performance that can range from trick or capers, being funny, ridiculous, foolish or bizarre.  Also includes: Clowning, stunts, mischief, larks, pranks, frolics, escapades, foolishness, silliness,  playfulness, skylarking, horseplay, buffoonery, tomfoolery and monkeytricks (???).   Originated in Italy-1520-1530 but made famous by Shakespeare’s use of “Antic Dispositions” in his plays and stories.


Arcade - An arched, covered passageway with shops, stores or stalls on either side and precursor to the shopping mall. 

Originated late 17th century- from French - Provençal arcada or Italian arcata; based on Latin arcus 'bow'.


Suddenly, “Antics and Arcades” was born!   It took a bit of time to get my website created, populated with pictures, descriptions of

the “wares” I purchased from around the World and all the other necessities required to start a new company.  Most important

of all however, will be the on-going creation of the “various” levels of entertainment and stories I am anxious to share with my potential customers and friends.


I’m truly excited about the "opportunity" God has guided me to pursue.  I appreciate the opportunity to share "Antics and Arcades" with all who take the time to check it out.  I feel it is a privilege and honor each and every time you come to my site. I also pray it provides as much happiness and enjoyment for those viewing “Antics and Arcades” as I expect it will be for me creating it and keeping it ongoing. 


Thanks for looking and the interest!  It's greatly appreciated....


God Bless, 

Ann Dickerson





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