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A Place and Time in Humanity?




TIME: Could be any day

PLACE: Any place, anywhere

Current Laws Enforce:

Laws restricting types of guns allowed for sell proved ineffective in reducing number of mass murders due to Black Market’s quadruple growth of illegal arms sales. As a result, these laws were discontinued and stricter methodologies evoked with hopes that severer punishment better fitting the crime would make a difference. So far, they hadn’t and it was apparent that more changes were necessary.

Current Situation: Court trial of most recent mass murderer- Age 17.

During an assembly where the entire school was present for an honors presentation, he gunned down 59 elementary children and 27 teachers, administration workers and parents attending the event. He injured another 69, who will have life-long injuries -- both mentally and physically -- and some of those still may not make it due to the severity of their injuries.

While this trial has been going on, new legislation was passed that will greatly affect this murderer as well as all those who might come afterwards. Let’s listen in as the verdict is announced to the murder, victim’s family members and others involved.


“No!! NO!! NOOOO!!!!” the Murderer screamed while 2 policemen tried to subdue him. “This isn’t right -- You can’t do this!!! This isn’t how it works. I’m supposed to go down in history as the worse mass murderer of all times – more well-known than all those before me-- ". He continued screaming at the top of his lungs. “This isn’t ethical…I’m just a kid….not the way things are done here…” he said about to run out of breath. “It’s not fair!! I’m supposed to be famous!!

At the judge’s direction, a medical figure gave him some type of injection which calmed him down immediately. He was sat back down in the chair he’d been chained to all day.

“As I was saying,” the Judge sternly continued, “Based on the new laws just passed while this trial was in session, the following punishment will be inflicted upon said guilty mass murderer. I’ll start over from the beginning:

From this point on, you will only be known as “Murderer 1A”. Your birth name or any of your life’s history, including family information, birthplace, etc., will never be released to the public, put in print or any pictures of you ever published. In addition, no stories, movies, etc., will be permitted for release about you or your actions using your real name or identity. Any source caught guilty of such activity will be fined $3 Million for each publication and or picture plus the owner or head of the company or guilty party supplying, permitting releasing of pictures or said documentation will be imprisoned for not less than 5 years but no more than 25 years. From this day forward, the person you were prior to the atrocities you committed no longer exists and will not receive any acknowledgement of any kind to prevent any possibility of being attributed famous status for horrific actions. This same procedure will be adhered to going forward for Murderer 1B and so on.

You are not eligible for any appeals. IF you are old enough to commit murder then you are old enough to be judged for your crime. You were caught in the action and arrested at the site. You will be shown no mercy regardless of your age, mental state or lack thereof at the time of your crime since you showed no mercy during your crime.

You will be incarcerated for a period of one year to give you time to prepare for your death. On the anniversary of your crime, you will be taken from your jail cell and secured to that prison’s firing wall. Each victim’s family member will be given the same weapon you used to kill their loved one. They will be allowed to use it on you at their own discretion. You will not be given a blindfold or anything for pain or suffering. You will be treated just like your victims were treated and suffer just as they did.

Once you are pronounced dead, your remains will be taken to a crematory for cremation. Your ashes will then be distributed to all your victim’s family members to dispose of as they deem fit for their healing. If they want to spread them over pig manure, they can. If they want to flush them down the toilet, so be it. If they want to give them to one of your family members, they can. Their share of your ashes is theirs’ to do with as they like.

"It has also been determined" the Judge continued "that the individual who sold you the weapons used to commit these murders did not perform the proper background checks and balances now mandatory and therefore is held liable for his part in the events that transpired. Researching his files on Murderer 1A’s weapon purchase, he did not obtain":

Ø A certified copy of your birth certificate proving you were the mandatory age of 25 to purchase this particular weapon.

Ø A passing grade of 70 on the mandatory written Gun Test similar to a driving license test proving this individual was capable of understanding the responsibility of owning guns and how they were to be used and not used.

Ø Certified letter outlining why this individual was purchasing this particular weapon and whether it met the necessary requirements for owning such a high powered weapon and had been approved for justified purchasing.

Ø Registration history check to see what weapons –especially high powered ones- already existed in Murder 1A’s household and if the mandatory limit had been reached.

Ø A doctor’s statement verifying that Murder 1A did not have, now or previously, any mental health issues.

Ø Proof of purchase of special liability insurance and payment of one year in advance of specialty gun ownership taxes for that particular weapon in the event it was ever stolen or used in a horrific crime.”

“As a result, this individual will be sentenced to life in prison without parole. In addition, all of their business assets will be sold and distributed among the victims’ family members for use in paying their loved one’s funerals, medical expenses or any other expense resulting from this unbelievable crime."

At that point, the guilty gun shop owner, who had been chained next to Murderer 1A throughout the entire trial, cried out.

“What about my family? How will they survive with me in prison and –"

The judge angrily cut him off before he could finish his statement.

“Were you thinking of your family when you sold Murderer 1A a high powered automatic?!!! You had to wonder what someone so young wanted it for! Plus, if you had performed even one of the requirements that are now mandatory, we wouldn’t be here today. Most 17 year olds couldn’t afford the specialty insurance and ownership tax for a high powered gun – and that’s why those laws were created. All of this tragedy and heart ache may have been avoided if YOU had done your job!! I have no sympathy for you - your family yes - but not you! You were more concerned about making the almighty dollar than doing what was right! As far as I’m concerned, you should share the same verdict that Murderer 1A is getting! At least you still have your loved ones alive. The families of the victims you helped create don’t!”

The judge then hit his gavel and announced that court was dismissed and angrily left the room.


Time: 3 Years later Place: Same Place Add’l Legislation Passed

1. New legislation was passed that requires all gun shop owner’s documentation to be audited annually for compliance and accuracy. Any non-compliance may result in a loss of their licensing to sell, severe fines and the possibility of their business being closed down.

2. Anyone that enables an individual in any way to commit mass murder due to illegal means, not adhering to mandatory requirements, etc., will receive a verdict based on the carnage the murderer committed.

3. If the “vendor” selling the weapon to the murderer was a “Black Marketer” and the murderer gives them up as their source, the murderer will be given consideration towards possible life in prison instead of the death sentence if the “Black Marketer” is found guilty. Then, the “Black Marketer” will receive the murderer’s death verdict and sentence instead.

UPDATE: Analysis & Results of Murder 1A Law:

No additional mass murders have occurred in the last 3 years.

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